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Reef Runner 800 Blanks, Upm9 Blanks

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I've been scouring the net looking for upm9 blanks as shown on luremaking.com, and dhgate. I called lm and they have it listed in their 2014 catalog, but say it is now discontinued and they don't know how it made it in there. Dhgate has it listed, but out of stock. I found pre-painted ones for .80/per, and have some coming, but if any other walleye fishermen out there know how hard it can be to tune in a reef runner 800, then you know how scared I am about these. I've got two fellow North Dakotans in Dakotalakestackle and Tekoutdoors.co that read this forum, and I just wish they had a good inroad to where I can find my deep running minnow blanks :) as I would prefer buying "local".

Thank you in advance to anyone that can help.










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maybe curt can answer this question,  i see they have the blanks on LPO  but they do not show up in the add to cart.  http://lurepartsonline.com/s.nl/it.A/id.50615/.f

LPO has discontinued them...I called them...and they're even in their new 2014 catalog.....and they don't know how they made it into the catalog



I have ordered from wlure....and this link shows it's wlure's website, and they have them instock....but I'm a bit worried because when I go to put in my account info at deal2search.com.....it says I don't have an account..and I do have an account with the www.wlure site....so do I dare order them from this link showing they have them?...

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Captaing, I have an account there as well and thought that was fishy so that's why I emailed the owner of Wlure. That link for the painted ones with hooks looks promising. Can always repaint if you don't like the scheme.

I ordered 60 of the painted ones for just that purpose :) Let me know what you find out from wlure.....it may just be a different salesmans site so the get credit for the sale?.....but if they have the blanks and it's legit I'll order them too

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