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Mudd Butt Baits

Getting A Top Water Worm To Float By Adding Other Types Of Plastic, Pic Of Orginal Bait

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I have been reading about EVA plastic, they use is in a ton of stuff.  If a guy can get his hands on it, I would think I could mix it with the plastisol and get the bait to float.  DuPont has a ton of differents types that may work.  I also looked into adding sytrofoam beads to the mix, but I can not find out if after the beads melt if they would still float?  Here is the bait that I am making. It will float a #5 hook.  The plastic was really nice.  Have any of you tried adding a more boyuant plastic to the plastisol?  Do any of you know this bait?  Can the bait be looked at by someone and then then can tell me wha it was made of?










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EVA is common for reel handle knobs and rod grips..... it uses a gas reaction to "foam".... not sure it's something a hobbits can actually do, although there may be some two part mixes that might give you something close.


I'd look at getting some air pockets into the worm and that in combination with a floating plastisol might be enough.  Alot will depend on what type of hook your looking to use and line... a lightweight hook and mono and your probably OK... a heavy weight hook and flour and I'm not sure if you can make that work.



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I can honestly say I have never seen that bait before, very unusual design. I still think you could get a worm to do what your looking for using a floating plastic, mono or braided line and a light wire hook. I don't use floating plastic and my 6" finesse worms with no salt can almost float a 2/0 hook. They won't stay on top of the water for a long time but they sink so slowly that by the time you twitch the worm it's only sunk a 1/2" to an inch at most.

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