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How d oI keep some captured crawdads alive?

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I cought some crawdads last night and I want to match some baits to them . What do they eat ? In the same lake will a craw cought from coontail be colored differenly than one cought from rocks . I cought mine from rocks but I mainly fish coontail. If they are different how do I go about catching craws from dense weeds?

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Yeeehaw! Lol, my guess is that this post will quickly be moved to another forum. That being said, as a kid I used to keep "dads"...short for "crawdad" in a bucket with wet grass. We would hook the unfortunate fellow in the tail and toss him out into likely haunts of bass, cats, and carp, pronounced "caup" by some in Texas. If you put too much water in the bucket they will drown once the air is gone...well unless you provide each of them with a snorkel.

My boy has tried to keep them in his fish tank but we typically find them on the carpet the next day all dried up attempting to make good their escape. My suggestion is you just do a search online for pics.


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Jed, try the aquarium shop they have two things that will help you out. (One) is a back plastic strip for your aquarium top. Just cut holes for all your air hose lines. (Two) they have a plastic rock that attach with suction cups. Place on the glass so they can come out of the water and rest. Provide hiding area like thick weeds or rocks, I also put some floating plants attached to the side with suction cups.

When I was a young boy I had an aquarium with crawdads, bass, perch, and bluegill.

Fed them Brine Shrimp from a pet store. Or if you are just keeping the crawdads, they eat anything dead on the bottom. Be cautious this will ruin a good tank and kill your fish. Also they will eat your fish if they get a chance.


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Keep in mind when feeding those dads that any "food" meat, fish, shrimp will rot quickly and stink. The best thing I found was rocks from the creek bed that had a good amount of algee on them. These guys are not just carnivors. They eat alot of the green stuff from the bottom. This is really all they need for short term captivity. Plus it wont get moldy and stink up your tank.

Mr B

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Interesting topic........

Took my kids to the zoo the other day and found out that flamingos are pink because of the shrimp they feed on. I never knew this. :?

Kinda got me thinkin' about bait fish and such. The craws in our river are a beautiful reddish-brownish-greenish-orange. I know they mainly feed on worms, algae, & hydrilla, which is a perfect combination of those colors. Guess that's why natural colors work so well on the river??

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Hi alsworms

A long time ago, I added various compunds (baking soda, salt, etc.) to a tank containing a yellow perch.

I was amazed by the color change each compound created. All were in the yellow-green range though. You can't make a perch turn purple ! It makes sense since they have to maintain a basic color scheme and pattern for their camoflage.

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