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BT shrimp molds

  • $70 each https://www.tackleunderground.com/community/uploads/monthly_2017_03/IMG_4702.JPG.dd3939f56bdd2f5b831cc506c3213356.JPG,monthly_2017_03/IMG_6578.JPG.42a68eb2753561b92e380337bc27e152.JPG,monthly_2017_03/IMG_6860.JPG.a48988f98622370325cb1eb80fc6422d.JPG,monthly_2017_03/IMG_7055.JPG.75237e0d41c301941abcbe741aac54f8.JPG,monthly_2017_03/IMG_7056.JPG.b8848c36d4ec78e843cae846f2c0d8d3.JPG,monthly_2017_03/IMG_7059.JPG.0949b8c08e695a45e4bf53a12b588ac4.JPG

I have 2 bass tackle 3" shrimp molds 3 cavities each. Paid $80 new. Only shot a dozen times, shoots perfect laminates too. Great molds but not what I need. Will take $130 for both.

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This shrimp catches fish. If I were only looking for something to make for myself this would be great. The only reason I'm not going to keep them is BT won't make slide bars in them or any kind changes for me.

I just wanted to point out that I'm not trying to unload a bad product. They're just not what I need for production purposes.


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