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Injection molds

  • $ https://www.tackleunderground.com/community/uploads/monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-67956000-1404080728.jpg,monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-97811000-1404080737.jpg,monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-91195000-1404080768.jpg,monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-60913100-1404080778.jpg,monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-66573200-1404080788.jpg,monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-40438000-1404080798.jpg,monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-46265000-1404080808.jpg,monthly_06_2014/ccs-46552-0-97277800-1404080818.jpg

What's goin on everyone I'm looking to sell all my injection mold stuff it's pretty new I got it last year all the colorant and glitter are basically full. I have I'd say about 3/4 of a gallon of plastol and 1/4 quart of salt the smaller hand injector beaver style mold Colorant that I have a as the following-- black, June bug, watermelon, chartreuse, red, white, and blue. Also heat bottle of heat stabilizer ,bottle of softener, and worm oil. Glitter colors are. Silver, light purple, black, gold, fire red, moss green and western blue. I' will sell individual call or text me I wanna get rid of everything My name is mark 973-765-3592

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