Wonder Bug replicas
I haven't been getting much lure building time lately but here are a few I've been trying to work on. They are "Wonder Bug" replicas but the paint got out of hand . I hope Mike Hildreth isn't turning over in his grave. Thats one of his originals on top and although no two were exactly alike (he made them by hand) they were all black and white and had the same number of spots. His had a galvanized metal lip, horse hair wings and simple screw eye hangers. Mine will get a copper lip made from scrap flashing, wings made from paint brush bristles and hand twisted wire screw eyes. I've also put a belly weight in these three to do a little experimenting, mounted them each in a different location. Hope to finish them soon and test them out.
BTW, the paint is all rattle can except the pupils of their eyes that I dabbed on with a toothpick.
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