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Weight-Forward Spinners From Scratch


Made these lures from materials , that I still had idling around the shop , ....want to fish them in some smaller rivers coming Saturday . Blades are homemade from 0,5mm stainless steel sheet , heads are cut from 12mm dia. brass rod and hook tinsels consist of linnen and metallic twine from the sewing store , ....fixed with a piece of shrinktube , ....wire material is 1,0mm stainless welding wire . They do work OK , just tested them in the bath tub tonite .

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They look great! Not sure if it would make them more or less fish catchers but one could grind.or sand down the nose a bit for more aero dynamic look like the pic. Good luck fishing!!

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Thanks a lot , Vic , ...have thought about this as well , but I was concerned about a slant face(top longer than bottom) might generate more lift to the lure , which surely is counterproductive .

And a bullet shaped front weight would cause some kinda indent between tip and front wire shaft , which would even be worse to catch waterweeds and drifting debris than this 90° offset face , ........and if I'd place the wireshaft centered at the point of a bullet weight , I'd render the entire lure spinning , lose the "no-linetwist" feature , that I like so much about such spinners .

...........and do I want the lure to be aero -, or better said , hydrodynamic , ........like this now it would surely generate more disturbance and vortices in the water to be sensed by the fish's lateral line , ...and as long as any vortices won't hinder the blade to spin properly , ...why not ?

Thanks again , ...greetz , Dieter

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