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3d Foiled Rtltrp 01


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  I have not, several years ago I foiled (or tried to foil)  a couple of baits and both of them  turned out to be disasters.  I am just really starting to experiment with foils again and this time I have an idea as to what I am doing (Thanks to TU and its members) so I expect they will get better as I go. 

  Don't know if I have ever saw gold foil or not other than mylar material but I do not think it would take on the shape of the scales when pressed. I did save the mylar packaging off of my Christmas ham this year it is a very bright gold on one side and the other side is a very bright silver. Not sure what I will use it for.

  A thought just popped into my head as I am writing this. Do you think the mylar could be glued to the foil with maybe contact cement then pressed with the scale pattern? Would it retain the shape of the scales if I did that?

  Oh No, another sleepless night and restless day until I give it a try :-).

  Thanks for the idea.  John

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Not sure how gluing Mylar on foil would work out. Epoxy can get a bit brittle once fully cured and running your scaling tool over it might make the two materials separate to some extent.


Sorry to put an idea in your head that's going to make you lose sleep, but such is the life of a lure junky. Don't ask me how I know. :yawn:



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