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Little Peteys


These flat sided crankbaits are made from paulownia. Solarez undercoat, acrylic paint, Dick Nite MCU topcoat, G-10 lips, 1/3 oz, 2 1/4". Several custom makers build this style bait under the name of Little Petey, Little PT Shad, Dinky-Donker, etc.

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Thanks guys!


Zev, I used Venture Brite-Bak adhesive foil, which is thin but strong and has a very good adhesive backing.  It's designed for stained glass artists and the thinness makes it easy to burnish down the edges to disappear.  I understand they have stopped manufacturing it, unfortunately, but I still have part of one roll left!  I textured the foil after applying it, with the little knurled knob from a pair of vise-grips.  You can use any knurled wheel for texturing.  Some guys like the knurled shaft of an X-acto knife, for instance.

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Thanks Bob. I'll have to look around for something similar. I thought of maybe trying the metal ducting tape but I guess it's pretty thick so the seems would be harder to hide.

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Hey Bob, I have been going through terrible withdrawal from being off of the internet for a few days with modem troubles, just installed a new one and am back online.  Those are nice. I too like the Tn Shad, that would be my pick. Really all of them are beautiful.



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