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Tater Trout!!! For Record I needed Balsa do to this one

The lure was casted out of plastics but I needed balsa to do this from the very start!!! You can do more with balsa than fish it!!! That is for sure..


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I touch the computer screen on you picture and my hands got a fishy smell to them - Ha Hee REAL LOOKING Great Job ... I'm like Dean and Hoodaddy ...Baits like these, time for a name change .......


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Thanks Stone!!

Im not talking to Fat right now.. I just checked my voicemail on my cell other day and he scared the CRAP OUT OF ME!! he will know what Im talkin about... LOL!!! FRED or ED.. or whatever he said his name was!! Im still waitin on the papers FAT!!! bring the law suit on!! THEY COPIED ME!!! My last name is MC BEE!!!!! GET IT!!! Oh you pay you back for that one... You had me up until you gave the phone number.. scared me to death!!! drool.gif

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