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.....tested my latest production yesterday !


Finally I found the time to get to a small pond in the neighbourhood and checked all the lures , that I've been making during the past months .

I am very happy , that this time there were no absolute rejects amongst them(sometimes happens , when always trying out new and unusual designs) .

Pictured are two "Mousebait" prototypes , the black/orange one is an unweighted floating pullbait , that goes down to 1 foot max. on a rodsweep , it wiggles only slightly , but I guess , the tailspin and a rapid pull-and-rise action could coax some strikes .

The other one in a more "natural" color is a jerkbait , two belly-weights fore and aft let it sink level , the tail is of a leather shoestring .

On sharp jerks it would only dart forward , but twitched more subtle , it swims erraticly to either direction .

Both lures are lathe-turned , with their belly portions cut plane afterwards , the ears of the "Jerk-Mouse" are carved out of a "ring" of thicker diameter , that I left untouched whilst turning down the lureblank .


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