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More 8" trouts

mark poulson

Two more 8" trouts, the one with the red gills is a little darker than the other, to simulate a fresh stocked trout. They swim great.

They are slow sink, and almost suspend on the pause. The floater I posted earlier weighed 81 grams. These weigh 105 grams. Their rate of fall is a little less than 1/2' a second.

Tails by David (Captsully). :worship:

I made these for just after a stocking, when the bass and stripers are really hammering the shallow trout.

My next batch I'm going to try and use the PVC from Lowe's, and I'll make them with flourescent violet stripes on the sides, instead of the Flamingo Pink I used on these. And they'll be fast sink, so I can dredge for the big girls which stay deeper and eat trout for breakfast out here in SoCal. :yay:


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I had a couple of guys asking me where I got those tails this past weekend. How much additional trouble, as in selling them in quantity, are you up for? Or should I just encourage them to make their own molds?

I used bicycle spokes for the hinge pins, and now I have this neat squeek when the bait moves. Must have something to do with the larger diameter of the wire. Whatever the reason, it's like the old AC plugs used to squeek. A great side benefit.

Thanks again for the tip.

One thing I noticed is the wire is so much thicker that it affects the buoyancy. I only add ballast weight in the front section now. And the baits swing really smoothly.

My next bunch are going to be from PVC, so I'm sure I'll have a whole new learning curve to deal with.

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