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Two more made after an oldtime design , also lathe-turned .

Body length is 3" , through-wired in a slot cut in their bellies .

The wood , that I used , is medium buoyant , the lures have two balance weights fore and aft the belly hook hanger , these are small pieces of roofing lead sheet glued in together with the internal wire form .

Tested them in my bath tub prior to painting , they feature a bit of a "lazier" wiggle , but certainly do work OK :yes:.

Also painted with modelmaking enamels , since it would have been too tricky to mask the lip for spraying .

Have also applied some glitter-jelly prior to topcoating them with several layers of epoxy and automotive 2k topgloss .

greetz , diemai


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I think you are the most productive TU guy, maybe not as total lure output, but surely as total types of lures. I envy you for that (or should I say that I hate you?:lol:)

Now let me guess something about these lures. If you say you have glued together lead sheets and wires in the slot, this sounds to me like you have not made tests beforehand to see how much lead is needed for each lure, because otherwise you would have needed to seal the slot before making the weight tests. And I remember a story you told us once, about testing the weight for only a few of a bunch of identical lures, and assuming the rest of them would need the same weight. The result was that some of the lures were sinking ones. So how do you solve the weight problem in such a type of a lure?

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Thank you guys for your kind word , I really do appreciate them !

@ rofish

Absolutely true , I wrote these statements before , it was about sinking jerks , if my memory serves me right .

These lure here are made of medium buoyant wood , their shape is kinda "good natured"(meaning they are most likely working well)and I already had a little experience working with these materials and shapes .

Actually there was no weight problem to solve , I just estimated , and I am almost sure , that these lures would also have worked without any extra weight as well .

But since a little balance weight most likely lets a lure run more stable , I just added some , not much space in that slot anyway , the lead sheet pieces are only a few millimetres in size , maybe 7 X 3 X 1 mm , so not too heavy at all , just balance !

I intended to leave the lures buoyant from the start , if I wanted them to be deeper diving , I would maybe have used more dense wood for them , but in this case I would have faced weighting problems , indeed !

I guess , in this case I would have weighted them by drilling holes left AND right of the already assembled wire harness .

greetz , Dieter

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