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another victime of the same bug

mark twain

another victime of the same bug


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Your bug really appears to be a great lure , obviously every species seems to strike it..........this one looks like a roach to me(the other fish is a chub , isn't it ?) !

greetz , diemai:yay:

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Hi Diemai,

yep, on that saturday catched everything (chub, pike, european bass and this one) ; didn;t posted all the pictures to do not get you guys borred ! the name of this fish is having the latin name : Scardinius crythrophtalmus, and yes the previous fish is a chub

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@ mark twain

Not familiar to that latin name ,..... googled it , but only a foreign site opened with a strange writing , maybe kyrillic letters or similar :huh:??

Only found a similar latin name which refers to a fish called "rudd" in English , very common over here as well . Probably a related species , that I'm not familiar with ,...... but very similar .

Thanks anyway !

greetz , diemai:yay:

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Diemai, you are perfectly right. That fish is a rudd, not a roach. Usually it can be caught on maggots, worms, wheat, etc. It is not a pray fish, but bigger ones do become, in some cases. Both the rudd and the roach belong to the carp family (cyprinidae)

I wanted to find out the common name for roach, in German, from the following link, but I gave up. There are so many of them, that I guess you do not know them all yourself.

The rudd:


The roach:


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indeed is part of ciprinidae family (like carps, chubs, etc); they grow very slow and this why there are few catched at 1 kg; this one is about half kg - do not know exactly as I released it

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@ rofish

Nice links , though , but way too many local names , really don't know many of them :yes::lol: !

The common German names , also used in nationwide angling magazines are :

roach = "Rotauge" or "Pl

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diemai, did you ever fished this fish ?? they are preety hard to catch at artificial lures ! first should be made by you and must be very small ! the small ones are eating mostly worms and only when they grow they eat also baby fish! the difficulcy is that he has a small and soft mouth ! if he strike you can loose it if you do not have the right rod and front rear very thin :))

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@ mark twain

Only fish for them to use as baitfish(smaller ones) utilizing poles without reels and light float set-ups or swingtip and/or feeder rods with chumming baskets rigged(bigger ones) , bait is maggots and/or sweetcorn ,....never had one accidentally on lures !

greetz , diemai :yay:

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I can say it is a cool lure indeed; mostly because the pattern; this is the pattern who got me lot of chubs in the last 2 weeks!

at the last fishing I had strikes only at this pattern and after the chubs gone away in the submersed trees with 3 bugs like that, I never had any strike to other with similar form but different pattern;

I had started to make other 9 bugs with this pattern to avoid strike pauses :)

I do reccomend this pattern to anybody .

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If I were to catch this fish I would identify it as a roach. They are notorious to tell apart and it may well be the colours of the camera but Rudd have a golden sheen wheras this fish is definately silver. A Rudd has an upturned mouth which this fish seems to have though the lure is distorting its mouth somewhat. It could of course be a hybrid as they are known to interbreed at times. The link shows a picture of a Rudd for comparison. Either way whether Roach or Rudd it is a very pretty fish and it sure liked that lure :).


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