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Sandwich Jigger


Some two weeks ago I purchased table lever shears from a local supermarket special sale , it really seems to improve my sheet metal work in terms of faster and more accurate cutting , as not so much fine shaping by filing/grinding is required anymore .

First lures , that I've cut out with these shears are these experimentals , that I have named "sandwich jiggers" .

I intend to cast them from the bank of our local river "Elbe" and jig them back along the bottom , as jigging spoons rigged with single hooks do not snag up as often by far in that snaggy swim as plastics on leadheads do .

Certainly it might be easier to cast such lures from lead , but these jiggers of several layers of sheet metal(copper and stainless steel) have the advantage of generating a moderate metallic clicking sound anytime they fall back on the bottom , maybe even on every flick of the rod .

The lures are 80mm in length(without hooks) and weight approx. 35 grams , their reverse side is decorated the same way as the top side .

Gonna cast them tomorrow for a first test !

greetz , diemai:yay:


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First, let me, once again, bow before the Metal Master. worship.gif

The idea of leaving the pieces of metal loose, so the can rattle against each other, is genius. :worship:

Now, my two cents.

You can make the hooks more "weedless", or snag-free, with a loop of either heavy monofilament or light stainless wire that's tied to the hook shank, and bent back until it slips over the hook point and catches the barb.

Another quick way is to use a hitchhiker coil alongside the hook eye on the split ring, and attach a piece of heavy plastic worm that you bury the hook point into. The fish's strike will cause the hook point to emerge, like with a Texas rigged worm, but it will cut down on snags.

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Great idea Dieter!

I bet those will be great for jigging

My question to you though is how did you get the split rings around the spoons without bending them so the hooks wont stay on:huh:

Thanks, Jacob

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Yes, great idea.

But it doesn't seem to me that you have mentioned anything about the metal plates being loose, and thus creating a sound. In fact, I was just about to ask you if you have used rivets, screws or anything else (epoxy?) to put the metal sheets together.

Mark has put forward some ideas to make the lure more snag free. Here's another.

What if you would make the middle sheet shorter by a few mm, then introduce there the eye of the hook, then fix the hook to the lure by a rivet or a screw? Problem is that you will need to find a hook with the eye turned around by 90 degrees, so that the point of the hook would point upwards.

I very much like these lures

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Thanks a lot for your kind words , guys:worship:, ..........but on my first tests yesterday I've found , that these jiggers don't act to my satisfaction .

They turned out to have too much play in their connecting splitrings , thus they always slid out of their pack , the outer sheets turned in a way that the angled kinks are opposing one another:pissed:.

Worst is , that also the hook would bind inbetween the sheets in unpredictable directions !

I will have to try to re-work them , try to rig smaller splitrings to minor the play .

If smaller rings won't fit anymore , I'd have to rig some tubing or small washers onto the ring , so that the play can be limited .

All in all I would probably have to re-design the construction , make them a little wider , so that the splitrings can't slide over the sideward edges anymore and have the single sheets twist against one another , ..............paramount is , that they do achieve the feature , that I've made them for ,...... as they do not snag up easily jigging them along the river bottom !

@ mark poulson , @ rofish

The main problem is not having the hook snagged , but the entire lure(though hook-snagging might occur as well sometimes) .

Check the two following videos ,..... they were taken in fall/winter at LOW TIDE !

You will clearly see those rocky embankments of the river , now visible at low tide .

First video :


Second video :


(a short link did not work for some reason , .......click on video No.5 on the list to open it up)

Yesterday I was at some of the very same spots shown in there but the tide was extremely high due to stormy northwestern winds pushing the water into the river , all rock embankments and bases of the dykes were submerged , the water was about 15 feet higher as shown in the videos , and it had never reached its peak , when I got there to test these jiggers ,....... had to move onto a pontoon later not to have my feet wet , as all spots on the bank became flooded .

You can also see in the video , that the hottest lures there are plastic shads on heavy leadheads , slowly tossed and jigged along the bottom , .........it takes quite a lot of concentration at high tide to keep them off the submerged rockpiles at the end of the retrieve ,...... as once the leadheads get stuck inbetween the rocks , they're gone , .......and it's most likely not the hooks getting snagged , but the leadheads!

So I have thought about using elongated jigging spoons instead of leadheads , preferable of a more rigid material than lead .

These run close to bottom as well , but don't bind inbetween the rocks of the embankment easily , just due to their shape and their material , that bounces off the rocks easier than lead as well .

Had my jigger badly stuck into the submerged rockpiles for two times yesterday , but only took me some rod shaking to get it free again ,..... a leadhead would even fall deeper inside and could not be salvaged anymore(unless you wait for six hours until the tide has gone low again , ....not possible on strong northwesterns , anyway ,... the water won't go back that much) .

These ways of protecting the hook , that you have described , Mark , are familiar to me ! I have a few lures utilizing these , but I guess , that they work better on your local bass than our pike and zander , as the bass obviously really do inhale their prey ,..... pike and zander often just grab it , .......as a result many missed hook-ups occur with such rigs .

But thanks both for your input anyway !

@ fatfingers

Actually it was not my idea ,..... about 10 years ago the German tackle manufacturer D.A.M. came out with a version of their famous "EffZett" spoon consisting of two sheets .

I had only thought , that this "sandwich" design might work better on jigging spoons , as these would generate far mor noise on every impact as probably a swimming casting spoon would ?

Check page 106 in the catalog , http://dam.tpk6.de/en/ , hope the link would work , otherwise try http://www.dam.de (English site version available) to load their online catalog .

@ spoopa

Jacob , it was quite tricky to rig the splitrings ,.... I lead them trough the sheets one by one , not through the entire pack at once !

This is the only way to keep the rings in good shape not to have them bent open too much .

I will now even have to face more problems having to rig still smaller rings to minimize the single sheet's play against one another to overcome previously mentioned problem.

Thanks again:worship: , guys , .......greetz:yay: , Dieter

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Just got back upstairs from my workshop ,.........PROBLEM SOLVED:):yes: !

I managed to rig smaller splitrings , had to file some attachement holes a little wider to have the ridge at the sheet's ends a little thinner(still not less than 1,5mm) , so that I could slide over the new 1/4" dia. rings without having them significantly bent open .

Now the play of the single sheets is sufficiently reduced , they can't twist against one another anymore !

greetz :yay:, diemai

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