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something old and something new


so yeah nothing too exiting this time just some new colors. few good old ones and few new ones that im itching to test this spring and see if the Finnish pikes like my offers. I'm almost pleased with the end up result this time lol, but as always there is still plenty of room to improve still. these ones are made from oak and weigh around 75g or 2.65oz and are 14cm or 5.5 in.


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Really like your paint style and color designs :yes: , .......accidentally came across your vid's last night , would have prefered to see the lures in action , but I guess , that you've still got ice on the waters and gliders can't be diplayed in a bath tub , ....i know :yes::lol: !

greetz , diemai :yay:

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Really like your paint style and color designs :yes: , .......accidentally came across your vid's last night , would have prefered to see the lures in action , but I guess , that you've still got ice on the waters and gliders can't be diplayed in a bath tub , ....i know :yes::lol: !

greetz , diemai :yay:

thanks diemai lol yeah i would have loved to shot a swimming\gliding action vid and i plan to when the damn ice melts :D

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