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Six inch musky/pike diving minnow bait


Poplar, foiled, gills carved with Xacto knife, unweighted, #5 lip, which I'm using a lot these days. Irridescent green over irridescent yellow, with amber pearl belly and red sunburst for the gill and forward belly highlight. Weighs 1 1/4 ounces with hooks.


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Like the irridescent over irredescent paint scheme. Nice foil as well. Top notch bait!!!

Do you recess your 3D eyes or are you sticking over a flat spot that is already part of your contour. I've been recessing the pasts few and find that this is a vulnerable spot for bubble rash when doing the epoxy finish. Any tips would be appreciated.

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Pete, I place the eyes where I need them as long as the contour is not too radical. However, a little contour is okay, even if the eye does not lay flush. Any exposed area on the sticky part of the eye that won't lay flat is filled in with envirotex anyway if you apply three or more coats. I've recessed them also, and I find that its tough to use the forstner bit without tearing out a bit of the wood around the eye, which usually shows somewhat no matter what you try to do to cover or fill the tiny void where the bit tore out the wood. So I try to avoid recessing when I can. Besides, the envirotec or Devcon2 tends to build up around over the the eyes and gives a nice bump on the sides of the head adding to the realism. Hope that helps.

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Thats a real beautiful lure.. Paint choices blended in nicely with the foil..

I've recessed them also, and I find that its tough to use the forstner bit without tearing out a bit of the wood around the eye, which usually shows somewhat no matter what you try to do to cover or fill the tiny void where the bit tore out the wood.

I had the same problems with forstners tearing up the eye sockets.. I dont have near your experience with foiling, but I found a simple solution that has worked great for me.. When I foil a lure, I foil right over the pre-drilled eye socket, use the exacto to cut an "X" into the socket, push the foil into the socket & use exacto handle to smooth the foil edges back into the eye socket.. Puts a clean, smooth edge to the socket.. I drill my sockets 1mm larger than eye diam..

Great looking lure~


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That's a great tip!. I'll have to try that. I still have to figure out a way to get a clean recess hole on the baits that I do not foil. I might try taping over the wood prior to drilling.

Thanks for the compliment. I really appreciate it.

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Wow, that is the best that I have ever seen. I keep hearing the word , "foiling". Could someone tell me what that word means? Is there a place where one can buy a set of stencils for reproducing the markings on the nice lures that I keep seeing on this site or do you just look around and find patterns within fabrics and other materials?

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