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Latest casting spoon prototype


This is my latest spoon prototype , shaped it yesterday and got done with the assembly this morning .

Had this idea for another sound-generating spoon on my mind for quite a long time , ...finally I've put it to practise now .

Gonna test it in the tub tonight after lateshift , ........wish me luck , folks .

The lure is about 2 1/2" long and is roughly shaped like the traditional German "EffZett" spoon , .........I've named it "Pikulator" after the target species and because the three little brass drums rigged onto the wire piece in front somehow remind me of a kids calculator with all of those beads lined up onto it :D .

greetz , diemai :yay:


Recommended Comments

You are amazing! How can a pike resist?

You mind just keeps churning out clever ideas.

I hope you get bit, and soon.

My younger daughter just gave me some glow in the dark beds that would probably go well on that spoon. She got them in a beading kit from a craft store.

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Thanks a lot , fellas ......that "Pikulator" has just passed the ultimate bathtub test tonight :D !

It sports a real wide swing of it's butt , more pronounced compared to most other spoons , a result of the "sliding" line attachement and maybe also of those little shifting brass drums constantly changing center of gravity a little bit ?

Only on a sharp jerk it flips over on it's back but only to fall back into track again instantly , .......I'm more than 100% satisfied with it's swimming action .

Sadly the clicking noise generated by the sliding brass drums in front is very low , but yet can still be heard standing outside of the bathtub , ..........nevertheless fish would still sense it more than humans , I guess .

I will definately launch a few more "Pikulators" next week , also in a bigger size , ......do some tinkering on the brass drums design , .........probably try making them larger in diameter and only single or double to achieve a higher body mass , thus gain more force of them knocking on the spoon blank .

Surely I'd also put up a video , when the time has come !

Thanks a lot for your interest , ...greetz , diemai :yay:

PS : Mark , I've already got a few homemade spoons decorated with such glow beads , ....we can buy them in any tackle store over here in Northern Germany(amongst all different fancy colors) ,.... anglers most likely use them as attractors on bait rigs fishing in the Baltic Sea .

I'm also using glow decal eyes on my lures on ocassion , ...........sometimes they even get bit , .......but is it because of these light effects ? Fish can't talk :lol: !

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  On 4/9/2011 at 5:24 AM, Jio said:

Really new idea again, Dieter! Hope the pikes like it too!

Thanks a lot , Janne , ......by now I have already made a bigger model , .....opened an extra thread including a little video about these spoons in here .

greetz , Dieter

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