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The Table Rock Gang


These were built for a friend who is planning a trip to Table Rock. Wanted to build some baits using screw eyes and wasn't satisfied with the buoyancy of basswood so I tried something a little different. I laminated two pieces of balsa onto a center core of basswood with D2T. That increased the buoyancy and still allowed me to use screw eyes. The top bait is 2" long and weighs 0.270 ounces. The middle bait is 2 1/4" long and weighs 0.30 ounces and the bottom bait is 2 1/4" long and weighs 0.355 ounces. Createx paints and DN S81 top coat. Haven't been able to swim them yet so I don't know exactly how deep they will run. I did swim the top bait in the bath tub and it had an extremely strong X'ing action. Much stronger than anything I've ever bought from any of the name brand bait manufacturers. This is my first time building anything other than shallow diving baits. Sure hoping they swim well.


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Those all look very good.cool.gif I really like the handmade baits you've been building lately.

You may have problems with mounting the line tie that far out on the deeper baits. Most baits with the line tie built into the bill have the line tie mounted roughly halfway between the nose of the lure and the tip of the bill. If the line tie is to close to the tip of the bill, the bait may roll on retrieve.

Of course if they work as they are, forget what I just said.whistle.gif

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Thanks Fishwhittler. Your probably right about the line tie location on the longer lip. I was trying to figure out the placement of the line tie by using percentages (was shooting for something close to 60% from bait to end of lip) and I must have screwed up on my math. Chalk one more up to learning things the hard way.


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