There are a lot of epoxies on the market, but they are either a glue, or a decoupage epoxy, with different designs for the very different functions.
D2T is, first and foremost, a glue, meant to be applied in thin glue joints. It's strong and rigid, so there's no joint failure or "creep". But it is brittle when applied over large, flat surfaces.
I started out coating my woodens swimbaits with D2T.
I found that D2T cracked and chipped off in big flakes when my swimbaits hit anything hard, like a rock.
I went away from D2T to Etex, and then NuLustre, for topcoating. Both are decoupage epoxies, designed for coating large, flat surfaces like table tops and bars. They are not as strong, but they will expand and contract with the wood they cover, and they both dent instead of chipping.
Lots of builders use D2T for cranks, and I have done it, too.
But larger baits are problematic.