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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2011 in all areas

  1. If I could build a lure that would consistantly catch 20 lb. fish, I wouldn't change a thing. I would just figure out a way to replace broken tails while I smiled the whole time. Musky Glenn
    1 point
  2. I'm not a duplicator. I'm an imposter.
    1 point
  3. Think I got it right this time? Resin pour head looks clean and sexi...
    1 point
  4. OH I agree, the american way is alive and well on this one... But... so many guys here could easily duplicate that rig.. honestly most guys with wire and pliers could make one with a little effort. Guess its the makers time to shine, every gets a few glimpses of fame and fortune... Remember some of the other crazes? what was it.. a frontrunner? everyone had to have one??
    1 point
  5. Guy just told me the body is made out of hard foam
    1 point
  6. I knew I should have looked at this topic in the afternoon because I just spit coffee on my monitor! I'm sorry about your experience but that has to be one of the funniest stories I ever read! Yeah, a 1/4 of a candle is a bit much especially at one time but spitting in the lead, and I know it was an accident, that is just funny, sorry for laughing but you just put a smile on my face that will last all day maybe even a week. I know for a fact when I pour later today it will take longer as I'm going to have to stiop laughing before I can begin, that is the best, thanks guy een though you didn't mean it.
    1 point
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