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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Real shad colors base coat white pearl white belly and sides the a light coat of metalic blue sapphire(folk art paint) thinned 50/50 future floor wax add tw drops of gliserin down back and shoulders of bait createx fluorescent raspberry over the top of the blue fading so as to leaving a touch of blue showing on the lower edge steel gray folk art paint thinned as above sprayed thru fine netting over the back and sides fading into the raspberry leaving a slight line of raspberry showing below the gray(when done right the colors will fade from blue to gray as you look at the bait giving it a shiner/shad fadeing) put some gold paint lightly on gill plate and strip along lat line of bait just so it shows up (not to thick a little gos a long way in the finished bait) spray black very very light around eyes so when you add the eyes thay pop... add the spot of black behind the gill plate and above the lat line of the bait finish with a light coat of pearl white over the whole bait to give it some shimmer
    1 point
  3. SHK is absolutely right. A good plastisol is a personal preference only. Start out by asking for samples. Also question each supplier thoroughly on their experience with international shipping. Companies that have been in the industry a long time will be more experienced with the different ways to ship and one might be more economical than the other. The samples may be free but you may have to pay for the shipping. From experience I can tell you that Lureworks makes a very good economical product and are one of the largest plastisol suppliers on the market and have been around for a long time. But some people have had trouble with it and some have not. Also I used Lurecraft for a long time too. It's a very good product. You'll find some settling on the bottom of this product, but it incorporates real easily when stirred well. Just remember to stir it everytime right before you use it. I've also tried MF, there's no settling on the bottom, but I don't particularly care for the fumes that come off of it. A very good ventilation system is a must if you're going to use the MF products that are out there, also they're rather expensive. I've also tried Calhoun's, but it was probably 3 or 4 years ago. It was ok, I didn't particularly like the smell of the finished product and when demolding the baits, they felt sticky. This seemed to go away after curing overnight. This is all the advice I can give from my personal experience. I have used Chemionics but it seemed to me to be basically the same as Calhoun's, as well as Marchem. As you can see at some time or another, I've tried all of them. But keep in mind other people have used these same products without any of the issues that I had. In my opinion, samples and testing would be the best way to go.
    1 point
  4. In my neighborhood, poor education and no job is the recipe for white trash. Sorry, couldn't resist. Are your looking to match someone's white trash color, or just come up with a bone color?
    1 point
  5. Cardinal Paints. www.cardinalpaint.com They supply for industrial applications so you have to buy in bulk 5 pound quantities but they have the best price/ quality I can find. If you talk to the rep he may let you break up your order. I worked out a deal with my rep and for roughly $100.00 I have more paint & colors than I can work through in a couple of years. Their paints actually seem to perform better than the pro tec. They seem to be finer and have a lower melting point. They also call out shorter cure times. I air brush my powder and these paints work the best in my badger. The paint is actually so fine that standard dipping actually makes the coat too thick. Colors are limited to standard colors (no candy or flake) but their hammer tones are outstanding and the absolute toughest paints I can find. I'm thinking about using those exclusively on my flipping and football jigs. They also have a white silver vein hammer tone that resembles a fish scales when applied correctly. They also have many colors not in their catalog so you have to ask.
    1 point
  6. Very well thought out and written Bob. It bring us back to the the original post. I knew what to expect. I made the order and was willing to wait. If I was given the notification when ordering the waiting time could be up to a year I may have still ordered. It was not custom work. I had some in mind but do to my experience will be going elsewhere. Communication goes a long way. Quote " I did get caught up eventually. I did keep after every job on my list and every service call that needed doing and eventually I got caught up to where I had a reasonable work load again." As a small business owner I completely understand. I would guess that by taking care off your customers the way you did they were well aware of the fact you had not forgotten them. Why advertise for new business when the paid customer is patiently waiting? You can shut down your e-store and not take new orders. If you don't want to lose the buyer put on a real time delivery date with a give or take. Personally I would go that route instead of spending money and time searching down negative comments and trying to make them go away. I don't need to hear they are going out Friday three times. I just need to know I am in line and not forgotten about, Many new people to the site are excited and have no idea what to expect because the posts get shut down and deleted. I am very happy and surprised this one has been allowed to continue.
    1 point
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