I've worked in a machine shop and used alot of diff. set ups but for lure/bait making i just use my reg. drill press and have made jigs to fit what i make so i can repeat it as many times as i need to without moving anything,most of the holes/slots are put in before doing any carving becouse thats when everythings square and straight
Maybe build a mini tumbler from a bucket and an old drill. You could use sand as the medium and run your cured lures thru it for a little while. Should give a smooth satin finish without scratching them up. I would mask up the bill tho.....
If you dont know what this is already I could explain it in more detail....Just ask.
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i do 4 baits at a time using a wire coat hanger bent square and the hook part straightened out so i can put it in my vera speed drill and after applying the epoxy or e-tex then i use paper clips and small heavy rubber bands on each end to hold the baits.Then i can chuck it in the drill and tape the trigger to rotate at the speed a want it to turn and hit the baits with a hair dryer to take out the bubbles and smooth the top coat(the warmer it gets the runner it gets just don't burn it)
The S-31 is the devcon 30 min that comes in the small push down type tube. You can buy the 9oz bottle and it will last a lot longer. I use an Xacto handle to hold my lures when applying the clear and painting them.