They are out there. You have to understand one thing about showing something at Icast, it is the first place you WILL get your design copied. There are alot of people just cruising looking for the next thing to knock off. Happens all the time. Us manufactures are out there just have to look. Most seem like it is just easier to get it from overseas. The people from this board are of a differant breed, we will make something come to life. Most new people that dont have a desire to create with there hands. They think I came up with the idea let some one else make it. I talked to quite a few companys that dont offer soft baits and the majority of them though it needed to be made over seas. I educated them a bit and let them know there was another options out there. I actually got one to bit and will be talking to them this coming week. A magical company is not out there but there are some out there. You just have to work on it.Be real carefull who you give your ideas to also, very carefull.