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  1. MonteSS


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  2. XFactorTackle


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  3. quickdraw


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  4. AweStarCustomBaits


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2012 in all areas

  1. Black Black blue flake Pumpkinseed Watermelon red flake Grape Green Pumpkinseed White Pearl June bug Motor Oil Chartruese ...Bill
    1 point
  2. Here's my rack. In this picture the bottom 2 swimbaits have just been clearcoated and the top 2 are next.
    1 point
  3. Hey Mike, I totally agree about the Watermelon's and Green Pumpkins. Natural Colors. I am just trying to get some debate and ideas about what is used the most around the regions. Thanks for the info about the past post, ill definately search for it!
    1 point
  4. Watermelon Red Green Pumkin Motor oil Chartruese variations of glitter Smoke variations of glitter Clear Holo glitter Pearl white yellow blue orange The rest would be basic colors in the category of custom chat/hot pink ect.
    1 point
  5. With all due respect, equipment is the least of your worries at this point. You could have the hottest new bait on the market but you still need to get it in front of people and that takes money and patients. As for equipment, you'll get there but if your like most people you need to start small and let sales drive the need for new equipment, while hopefully bringing in the capital needed to buy that equipment. Having unique designs is all the more reason to do it yourself, that way you won't get copied by someone who has the money to market YOUR unique design before you do.
    1 point
  6. Future works great but "There is no free lunch". If you're using Future floor polish to thin paint, one thing you don't want is dried paint inside the airbrush. Future is formulated to wear well on floors, and so it's tough stuff. I rinse out my a/b and backwash the tip after every paint shot but like most, I'm not always good about cleaning the whole brush after a painting session. I've sometimes left paint back in the barrel of the a/b around the needle packing. When that happens, the next time I use the brush, the trigger is stuck solid and will not move backwards because the Future set so hard in the barrel that it glued the needle in the packing. Takes needle nose pliers to rip the needle out of there! So do a very good cleaning before you store your a/b, if you use Future. The more volatile the solvent you use to clean an airbrush, the faster it works. Acetone works better/faster than most.
    1 point
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