Little River, Have you tried having the fan behind you or to the side blowing away from you instead of toward you. You actually get less terbulance if the fan is sucking instead of blowing. Musky Glenn
Heck i make a chicken and rice dinner using salsa about 2 times a month. I just save the jars from the salsa...wash them good and let dry completely and they work fine. If you want to dip and not "tap the can" just be aware you will have wasted product...
BobP correct me if i am wrong here.....but the more baits you dip = the more air thats introduced into the DN. Everytime you push a bait down you essentially are mixing air into the DN. This will make it cure even with bloxygen shot on top before you store it. Thus only put small amounts that you can use in about a month or so in each jar. seal the jars you are not using with saran wrap and a bloxygen shot and leave them be until u r ready to use them. This should cut down on wasted material but there is no way to prevent it with MCU's and Dipping baits. I have wasted A TON of DN!!!!
If there is a better way please let me know but i always have some that cures when i dip.
Hard to say as I dont really see green in the pics.
The Bears Motor oil is green but looks amber in the light. That wont work.
You can try making the orangy base color and adding green hilite.
This is my Sour Grape that is grape with the green hilite.