90 percent of the paint schemes out there are to catch fisherman. The old saying " If you design it to catch fish, it will eventually catch fisherman. If you design it to catch fisherman, it will eventually catch fish" is more or less true. If you have confidence in a bait, whether it's because it has caught for you in the past, or you heard it was the hot lure on the lake, or 'cause it looks pretty, you are going to use it with confidence and probably do well with it. Now, there is no doubt that color plays a part in getting a fishes attention and provoking it to strike, but how big a part is often thought to be pretty small next to action and size/ profile. For me, if I can "match the hatch" with a realistic paint scheme, I feel like I'm taking the color off the table as far as why I'm NOT getting bit. Painting lures is most of the fun in making them, so have fun even if the fish don't care.
Nice bait Herman.