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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2012 in all areas

  1. Yep, McMaster-Carr is a good source for wire, lip materials, etc - fast service, good prices. I've used soft temper brass wire which I understand is the traditional wire once used in Bagley baits. But I really prefer the soft temper stainless "safety wire" that you can also buy at McMaster. It's just slightly more stiff than soft brass and it will never corrode like brass or copper. Like Ben, I also go with the .040" diameter, which is a good match to the wire originally used. I go to .032" wire for very small baits less than 2" long.
    1 point
  2. Thanks Mark...The one I bought did not hunt any. Maybe just my bad luck......... The old wiggle warts had moving ballast balls too. These were known to hunt . I guess one solution would be oversize low hanging swinging balls. I have seen a few folks with this problem and they had a problem moving in a straight line too. It's all starting to make sense to me now.
    1 point
  3. I've use the same technique as Ben. I just use a brad point bit for the size of eyes I use. Drill a small depression in the bait on either side, paint as necessary and right before finish, I add a little dollop (that is a real word?) of super glue (gel type) and install the eye. Press just hard enough to seat the eye and wait a minute or two and then finish as usual. Jerry
    1 point
  4. I don't think paint and a topcoat will have any effect.
    1 point
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