All I can add is that I think you're going to have to make several prototypes to see how a lure shaped like that and ballasted like that will work best.
I'm guessing a conventional bill, extending approx. half the body length out, and aligned parallel with the centerline of the bait would be a good starting place. You'll need a bill that's at least 1 1/4" long, plus whatever goes into the bait, to get it to dive down to the 10' range.
Be sure that the lure hangs down at a 30-45 degree angle at rest, with the tail out of the water slightly. Any lower, and it won't back out of snags when you release pressure on it. You don't want to hang it up and lose it.
I think it may be too round for a rattle trap-type hook and line tie arrangement.
If you look at the forehead of a rattle trap (I'm thinking of the Yozuri 3D Vibe) the fore head is grooved, with a channel running from the nose back to the line tie. I'm guessing it's there to act as a cupped bill, and to start the wiggle action. But that particular trap is thin, with almost flat sides, and only weighs 3/8oz.
If you go the trap route, try copying the hook and line tie layout of a trap that size. Then begin playing with ballast, and maybe flatten the sides a little as another option.
I haven't tried to make a trap because it is a very difficult shape to get to swim properly, when you make it out of anything except hollow plastic filled with BBs.
Good luck.