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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2012 in all areas

  1. H.A Been using this for years - Fill with the appropiate thinner for the paint in use, stand the tip in this every time you pause in spraying, it should eat the paint off the tip---Just remember to give the 'brush' a quick blast before you start spraying to blow off the drops. I used a tapered nozzle / cap, off a small 'silicone sealant' tube. Pete
    2 points
  2. Impressive! If only I could keep my work surface that tidy
    1 point
  3. add glycerine to your paint, it will help with the problem.
    1 point
  4. All I can add it that it pays to clean your brush after each coat of paint, if you've emptied the cup. If there's still a good amount of paint in the cup, you can let it sit while you dry the fresh coat of paint, but don't let it sit for more than a minute. If my paint is taking longer to dry for some reason, I'll pick up the air brush and shoot a little more paint through it to keep the tip wet. But backflushing with lots of clean water between coats is really the key for me to keep my brush working.
    1 point
  5. Here is the first pour in my new Javallon 160 mold with RTV HB + Plaster:
    1 point
  6. My wife has a final exam tonight.........I think I'll clean my airbrush! Good tip!
    1 point
  7. I tried a javallon 160 mold, it's a 2 parts mold, first part seems ok, i only use 50 gr of RTV + plaster to make this first part.
    1 point
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