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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Or just sale them until you get a letter. They'll give you fair warning before going to court.
    1 point
  3. Kinda Parrot color
    1 point
  4. Rebel, what does any of those links have to do with Zoom's patent? One of them is just a link to register on his forum, another is about Strike King from August of last year, and from what i've read some people have already recieved these types of letters for other baits. The only thing the links do that you posted is confirm that someone didn't do the responsible thing to ensure that there were no patent infringments. Just guessing and hoping is not the proper way to handle a situation like this, the bottom line is Caney Creek, by Do-It, should assume all responsibility and should stand behind their reputation of great customer service. A customer shouldn't have to wait to find out if they can use a mold after they purchase it especially when they've spent their hard earned money. Someone should step up to the plate and not force the customer to take the loss, that would be quallity customer service.
    1 point
  5. Rebel2345, like I said I have been folowing along with this, and yes I have read his forum. I couldn't help but notice that in his last statement he says "he thinks" everything will be fine and that we need to just wait a while, in the mean time Frank has a thousand dollars worth of molds that he has to just "wait" on. Do you feel like this is fair to him? Its obvious by being a good customer and purchasing 40 molds that his intentions were to sell the baits, how is waiting profitable to him? Caney Creek should have immediatly stepped in just as soon as the customer recieved the letter and offered to change the mold or to refund his money, but no, they're continuing to advertise the mold on their website for sale and they're not sure if they are infringing or not. Again, the customer is suffering due to someone's lack of knowledge of patents, they just didn't do their homework. It dosen't matter what the bait looks like, if Zoom's patent points are included on the bait, then its patent ifringment. The only way to know for sure is to run this past a patent attorney, it shouldn't be left up to an inocent customer. I bet if it was Bear Baits or Del's you would have a difference of opinion, and if it would've been Bear or Del's they would have immediatly pulled the mold off of their website, and I know Bear would have given a refund to anyone who wanted it. His company would have taken it on theirselves and not told a good customer (such as Frank) to wait and see what happens. I know what I'm talking about on this one, I went through the same thing with the same patent and I hired the patent attorney, like I said the looks of the bait has nothing to do with it. If I was making molds that were not custom and sold genericaly, then I would do my homework on every mold that I produced, that way I could be sure my customers would not have to go through such an inconvienence. Its not fair to spend your money on a mold and be told you have to wait before you use it. Is that good customer service and is that standing behind your product? Rest assured, if it would have been any other company my opinion would have been the same, and I would have stated it.
    1 point
  6. I've been following along on this one and I personally feel that before they design another chunk they need to step up to the plate on this one. They have sold a mold that is possibly a patent infringing product and they're always bragging about their customer service. Well it's time to put your money where your mouth is. I feel they should do a recall on this mold and either refund the money or redesign it at no cost to the customer. I really don't think it's fair that one of their customers should even have to consider the legalities on something like this, mainly because someone didn't do their homework. They should do the legal battling themselves and not just leave their customers holding an unusable product. This is not one person's custom design, it is a standard company distributed product and it's something that they need to address and take care of. After all it would be the Christian thing to do. This is just my personal opinion.
    1 point
  7. I know a Patent Attorney. The name will remain unwritten and the person will never represent me, but he/she did make a rather terse comment that I think applies to the Patent Law problem we have. Patent Justice goes to the one with the most money! I am convinced that if I was clever enough I could get a patent on the wheel even today, and with sufficient funds, I could bully most people into paying me for the rights to it. Bob of course is correct, but unless you have a Patent Attorney look into it as well, your common sense understanding of the English Language is not the same as a Legal Definition. Even then, a good Lawyer for the plaintiff will bleed you dry, win or lose, postponements, venue relocations, questionable expert witnesses, etc., just to prove his point. Having said that; Zoom HAS made their point. For all of you guys that sell lots of lures, you will be looking over your backs for a long time now. It has made me consider up-scaling myself. So, was it worth their money?
    1 point
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