George, its ok if you disagree with me but i'm not sure exactly what you are disagreeing with. Whether it be for a hobbiest or someone selling the product off of the molds, illegal is illegal. And also when you sell a person 40 molds I think its pretty easy to figure that its more than a hobby, and like Garthsnooks said, they're continuing to advertise the mold for sale, and from reading their forum they have openly addmited that they dont know whether the mold is legal or not. I just dont call that being very responsible. Just as soon as Bear even thought that his mold might be in question he immediatly pulled it from his website, so as to not sell a customer a product that might be patent infringement. Why continue to sell something that you may have to at a later date tell your customers not to use it because its illegal. Since the product has been questioned, they should stop selling the mold until they get their facts straight and as much that has been posted on all the forums everyone should know that this mold may not be legal. The odds are a hobbiest probably won't get caught but the fact of the matter is illegal is illegal, until proven otherwise in this case.