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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2013 in all areas

  1. I shape my baits with an oscillating belt sander with an 80 grit belt. For removing a lot of material, I'll use a 50 grit belt first. I fine sand with a palm sander, first with 80 and then with 120 grit paper. I touch up with hand sanding, using the old paper I've taken off the palm sander. If I use a wood rasp, I find I need to hold the bait in a vise, but I do use files for hand shaping, too.
    1 point
  2. I use the small one and the little nozzles for all my 2 color baits. I don't sell so I don't need more than that to make my baits. The small nozzles are not hard to use but they have to be pretty warm on the first shoot. I warm them up on a griddle while I am melting the plastisol. Here is how 2 color tubes come out.
    1 point
  3. Your welcome MS, do you think the foil helps reflect the light so it hits all parts of the lure? Are you getting the solarez to cure in 3 minutes? I haven't lined my box with foil yet but it is on my to do list.
    1 point
  4. A friend of mine let me use his and it worked really well. He got his from Midway USA. You want to make sure you get the calibration weights with it. You can check to see if the scale is starting so slide the weights a little. Once you recalibrate the scale you will be back in the money again. I think they need to be 50 grams or more, the cheap 10 gram weights will not recalibrate the scale. You should not have to spend more than 30 from what I have seen.
    1 point
  5. No jon boat here. 19'6" bassboat. I want to paint it flat black.
    1 point
  6. Since the question was about a patent infringment is it not the responsibility of a moldmaker to have general knowledge, just like the hunting? Is a patent # on a package and listed on a website not a reasonable way to know that you are infringing? I did not say that you were suggesting for someone to violate the patent. But you were suggesting that by not knowing that the product is patented, that no legal action could be taken, which is a false statement. As far as how much Zoom made me pay, all of my legal fees and remember I had no knowledge of this and I also had no way of knowing whether or not the information Zoom gave me was correct. You're basically trying to argue with me but what you're really trying to say is what the patent attorney told me is wrong. Contact any federal law enforcement agency and run your theory by them and you will be told whether you know the law or not, if you break it, you can be prosecuted. It's very simple, if you infringe on a patent, you're breaking the law. How is that not simple? And again, pertaining to federal patent laws, and after I have talked to a patent attorney, who explained to me in a situation such as the question that was asked in the beginning, that ignorance of a patent law is no excuse. I was referring to no other law but patent laws. The knee jerk comments were made when someone just decides to argue for the sake of arguing, who says they are not a lawyer, and to always contact a lawyer, and then the person that did contact a lawyer posts what they were told by the lawyer, and then you tell them that the information I received does not pertain to the subject. Go back and quote where I was talking about anything other than patent infringment, besides the examples that I gave, when you alone decided that my comment pertained to every law in existence, which it did not. My comment pertained to the question that was asked at the beginning of this thread. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't spend my time just looking for an argument. I try to be responsible enough to shoot people the facts to keep someone from winding up in the situation that I found myself in. After all, I was as innocent as the guy that was thinking about purchasing the mold. I tried to help someone to avoid a costly situation that I found myself in. In what way did you help answer the gentleman's question, or did you just spend your time scrutinizing my comments? After all, I am the one that paid the patent attorneys for the information.
    1 point
  7. How does a county ordinance about sandals and flip flops pertain to federal patent laws? Just because a law is not enforced does not make it legal. Breaking the law is breaking the law. Contact your local magistrate and ask them if you don't know about a law are you still breaking the law or not. Ignorance of the law is no excuse has as much to do with the law today as in times past. Go to a state that you have no idea of what their hunting seasons are and start hunting. If it's not hunting season, whether you know it or not you will still be arrested for poaching. Also the same way with fishing laws. And even nowadays people commonly receive citations and are prosecuted for these exact things. What about the person who is innocently sitting in a car and their friend goes in and robs a store and they have no knowledge of what the friend is doing, they still get jail time. Take me for example, do you think I would have spent $12,000 on molds if I had any idea I was infringing on a patent? But yet I am guilty of patent infringment and cannot produce product off of my molds. I had no knowledge of this, but I'm still guilty and it's still my responsibility to have found out whether or not I was infringing. Therefore, I'm still bound by the law to abide by the cease and desist or risk further legal action. And I had no knowledge whatsoever of the law. These are just examples. Again, if it's against the law, it's against the law. And to advise anyone otherwise, is very irresponsible. I am saying these things because I did contact an attorney. A couple of them as a matter of fact. And letters were even sent back and forth from each attorney. And if it would have went to court, I would have had to have paid money for all the times that I did not know I was breaking the law. This is what the patent attorney explained to me. Bottom line is, if the mold is illegal then the product from the mold is illegal. I was also assured of this by the patent attorney. And yes I did ask the question, "even though I didn't know it?" and his answer was to me, "it doesn't matter, infringment is infringment." I myself would never suggest to anyone, oh you can do it until you get caught. They can't do anything to you. This is just irresponsible and not very good advice. I personally don't want to see anyone get in trouble or take a chance of getting in trouble. And if I hadn't talked to an attorney and I wasn't sure of these facts, then by all means I would not post it and then say check with an attorney.
    1 point
  8. ipt, the mold itself that the mold company is selling is illegal. So making a bait off of it would also be illegal. The Sweet Beaver name is copyrighted and the bait itself is patented. And Andre protects it very well. And he also monitors TU. So most likely, Linmarfishing is going to receive a phone call or letter. He's already went after Strike King for patent infringement and he also forced Del-Mar and Lurecraft to stop selling the Sweet Beaver molds. So if the mold is illegal why wouldn't baits off of the mold be illegal? It doesn't matter who makes the mold. DaBehr, if you will look at the bottom right hand corner of Reaction's website, you will see the patent number for the Sweet Beaver. Guys I really don't understand why someone doing hand pours would want to do an exact copy of a bait. Seems like to me, one of the whole reasons for doing hand pours is coming up with unique and personal designs. But everyone needs to keep in mind that a lot of these big companies monitor TU. Not only do they check for patent infringements and copyright violations, but they also search for new design ideas. So be careful what you post.
    1 point
  9. I will not be doing a mold this week.. I believe also with Mineral oil is more pure that canola or ________.. It also is not thick..
    1 point
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