well basically i went and added a curly tail to a previous model that i made with a paddle tail but i must say i really like these and the action that tail gives is so nice. still got to add some eyes on these.
Bingo. Nothing floats better or is more practical than air.(and it's free)lol.
I do mine as a handpour. I don't do injection baits. I prefer the creativity of handpouring.
I'll post a pic in the gallery in a day or two.
If your lure still looks transparent after airbrushing with opaque paint I would think your not getting good coverage with your base coat. Depending on what paint your using for a base coat you may have to put several coats on. I use Createx opaque white for a base coat and usually have to put 3 to 4 thin coats on to get good coverage. Several of the members here at TU use Polytranspar Super Hide White for their base coats. They say it has much more pigment in it than some of the other white paints and covers better with fewer coats.