Thanks for the info Ben. Fine glitter sprayed on top of a color is a great way to make it into a reflective metallic color. To me, how much glitter and where on the lure it ends up is critical. I do use airbrush paints that contain extra fine glitter flakes but when I think of glitter, it's usually something larger that won't shoot through an airbrush. What I do is dirt simple but works well. Buy some cheapo $2 craft glitter at the hobby store that comes pre-mixed in a clear acrylic liquid. Squirt a little into a shot glass, shoot a little water in to thin the mixture. Then use a soft artist's brush to put it on the lure. You can spread out clumps, reposition flakes, and you can closely control how much gets on the lure and exactly where it goes. The brush also lays the glitter down so it won't stick up through your clearcoat. The craft glitter is "medium size", too big to shoot through most airbrushes, but if you want larger or smaller glitter you can buy a bottle of clear acrylic and mix your own. A buddy of mine uses some extra large 1/8" square glitter as a part of one of his color schemes and it makes the lure really pop.