I like versatility with every thing I do . Heck even a hammer has more uses than just to drive a nail . Some times a guy can't afford a lot of molds , injectors ect . So I was doing some slabs with this Do-It SJS-3-A slab mold . I thought wonder if I could make a soft bite slab for shallow fresh water fishing . So I set about figuring on how I would weidgt it . Aha I have a lure body mold . Took the lure body slipped it onto the form crimped it and the loose wire ends Placed that into the slab mold . Searched around until I found some really tough saltwater plastics . Nuked them , poured it in and Whala ! Now the finished product dosen't weigh a lot .4 to .5 OZ but it casts great on light tackle equipment . So here ya are for grins and giggles . Oh yea those eyes won.t come off they go all the way through the body and snap into each other aided by supper glue . I feel kinda sorry for the blind stuffed Iguana laying in the trash can .
New creature bait that I designed. The bait is just under 4" long, has a lip on the bottom to help hold flipping hook in place, the side legs flare when retrieved and also release air bubbles, claws are reinforced to add durability
Its kinda like asking how to cook spaghetti and meatballs.
1) spaghetti
2) sauce
3) meatballs.
It sounds simple enough but the variations on that simple theme are endless. Just the topcoat issue alone has produced so many different threads it would boggle the mind to try to sort 'em out.
My advice to you is pretty much the same I recieved when I first came on board here... Use the search function, experiment on your own and find the system that gives YOU the best results.... It would be impossible (and prohibitively expensive!!!) to try everything you'll see here but once you see what all is available you'll surely find some paint systems, airbrushes and topcoats that appeal to you.
The bottom line in this: no one can tell you which system is right for you. Only you can find that out. There are any number of products that will get you to where you want to be but luremaking is a highly individual undertaking. Just flip through the hard bait gallery if you don't believe me.... Many different styles and just about all of them are fantastically executed.... Good luck and be sure to post pictures in that gallery when you get to that point. Once you get rolling it will all come together for you and you'll find that your questions will become more specific... Tgat's when the fun REALLY begins!!!
Couple colors I made up today.
The craws are actually based on the color of some crawfish I caught at the boat ramp last weekend. Hopefully the fish like the plastic version as much as the real thing!
Brent's right...I got some from a distributor in China that were .90 each but the bills were weak and kept breaking...useless. The ones I have now are about 2.00 each but the quality is exceptional. You get what you pay for. Jake has good stuff and is a great guy to deal with. If you tell him you are going to buy 100 I would bet he will cut you a deal.