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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2013 in all areas

  1. The "low end" Createx as you call it was designed to be a T-shirt paint. It has to be heat set to become waterproof. If you can "easily wash it off with water" I would suspect your not heat setting it. Ben
    2 points
  2. I tried that, too, but I kept getting my feet wet!
    2 points
  3. A few weeks back I spent alot of time testing different crankbaits in my pool made from several different types of wood to test the properties and characteristics of how they act it the water. I learned a ton about different types of commercial made baits as well as my own. One of the things that I will share is that this deal about balsa being the only wood that will backup and quiver when the crank hits something is crap. I have been told by some of the finest crankbait makers in the country that balsa is the only wood to use for making crankbaits because of these properties. WRONG!!!!!!!! Every commercial balsa bait that I tested floated up like a rocket. They all spiraled on the way up. As a norm, all balsa baits rotated 360 deg. for every 5 ft. that they rose. None of the commercial crankbaits quivered. The weight in all of them is too light to allow it. They all rose very very quickly. The thing here, is that all balsa baits, regardless of how you weight them, will spiral. They will just spiral quickly or more slowly depending on the way they are weighted. Heavier weighted balsa will rise about 1 - 2 ft. before the spiral starts severely. All of the commercial baits that I tried are really not weighted properly. This includes those made out of cedar also. However, the ones made out of cedar did not spiral when raising. They still come up way too fast. None of the baits that I tested "quiver" on the rise. They don't have time to quiver. They come up way to fast to allow it. All hardwood and balsa baits do backup when they hit something. The more dense the wood the less they backup. Balsa will backup about 1 to 1 1/2 ft. for every 5 ft. it raises. The poplar that I use in some of my baits and cedar backup the least. They will move about 6 inches for every 5 ft. of rise. The biggest problem that I did notice was that the majority of commercial baits are weighted improperly. Sure, lots of fish have been caught off of these baits, but that does not make them right. If I sold 30,000 baits a year, I am sure a fair amount of fish would be caught on them throughout the country. This does not make them correct. One commercial bait that was designed by one of the nations top crankbait pros for deep cranking, was a total flop. It is suppose to be specially weighted for the task. They are not made anymore, and I was able to get about 20 of them for $2.00 apiece. The bait sits almost level in the water before you start the bait digging. This is totally wrong. The placements of the extra weights is wrong. I redid the weighting and put one of my own special lips in the bait and can get that bait to dive quicker, deeper and run more accurately than it did out of the box. The action is much better also. Another thing, all of this stuff about how difficult it is to hit the 20 ft. mark with a crankbait is garbage. I make a crank that has a much smaller lip than anything that is sold commercially. It does not look like a frying pan hanging off of the front of the bait. It will consistantly hit 24 ft. with 12lb line. So far this summer, I have caught over 130 lbs of bass off of one of these plugs. My point here is....... Don't believe everything that you hear. Pros will not truely give you what it takes to make the perfect crankbait. If you think that a pro that is paying the bills and making good money through competition will share his secrets with you.... you are crazy. If you think that the pros that are making a living from cranks are throwing stock crankbaits, you are crazy too. If you were a pro and you won $250,000 this year throwing crankbaits, would you share with a national magazine or reporter the bait that you were using? Would you tell them what makes that bait so good? I don't think so. Skeeter
    1 point
  4. First off, wrlcome to TU!! Secondly, the search function should turn up a gold mine of info on this subject... All that being said... Resist the temptation to sell baits "under the table".... Selling tackle involves collecting and reporting taxes to the IRS. Even at 15, you should know that the IRS isn't an organization to be trifled with....
    1 point
  5. Skeeter, I agree. "Silent crankbaits" is a misnomer anyway, because if it has hooks and split rings, it rattles, as anyone knows who has dragged a lure through a bathtub. I design and sell crankbaits from the ground up, as does Skeeter, Benton B, Nathan, and some others who have been around here for awhile, and I'm sure they cringe like I do every time we hear that some "Pro" has "designed" a new bait. What an insult to lure builders everywhere! Dino
    1 point
  6. Moose, Be careful what you post, or someone will turn you in to PETL....People for the Ethical Treatment of Lures! Hahaha
    1 point
  7. Wow Skeet you've been hard at it. That must of took some time and effort on your part to get all of that done. Very good information. Thanks for sharing that with us. I love it when you you guys get down to the nitty gritty. I also know what your saying about the pros not giving credit to the custom guys. Thats why it is very important to give your baits to the right people. John Sappington won the FLW Championship $250,000 with some help from our baits and he gave us credit http://www.flwoutdoors.com/ezineArticle.cfm?strObjectID=A5169FB7-17EA-46EE-BB5180D193A40165 Tommy Martin and George Cochran both stated they were using our baits in last years Classic http://espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster/s/b_fea_2003_TG_lures4.html So ya see. Give em to the right people and they'll take care of ya. Again great information Skeeter. Keep up the great work.
    1 point
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