Smallmouth, by reading the first post of this thread I don't see any indication that this young man is not considering his education and I think its absolutley great to consider a small part-time bait business. I dont think a 15 year old really needs to worry about supporting a family.
I'm sure with the way that the emphasis is put on education in the school systems today that he understands the importance of a good education. I think a part time bait business would be a great educational expirience, especially if this young man has a love for fishing. Its a very competitive market, you must develop accounting skills, you must learn to fill out quarterly taxes, communication is a must, you must have marketing skills. All of these are valuable things for a person to be educated in no matter what the career move. I see no where in the young man's post that would lead me to believe that this is a career move, if he has alot of friends that fish or he lives in a community that has alot of fishing around it, why not a small bait business to earn a little extra money and develop his skills? I imagine his parents are still his main source of suitible income, we are talking about a kid here, not an adult trying to make alot of money, a kid that probably enjoys fishing and thinks it would be neat to make some baits and sell them.
Why are so many people being so discouraging to him? This is another one of those threads that are going south fast. The kid is asking for help.
I have noticed that you or anyone else will not right out admit to this young man that you started out by giving baits away, whether it was profitable for anyone or not, it is the way that everyone starts out. After all, how many people on here actually do nothing else for a living but make baits besides me?
We need to encourage our young folks in more hobbies like bait making and fishing, lets keep them on the water and off of the streets. If mom and dad are helping to foot the bill then most likley they will help keep an eye on the money too. There is nothing wrong with having fun doing something you enjoy and there is nothing wrong with being young, making a few mistakes, and learning in the process.
So texasfisherman, don't let anyone discourage you, be careful with your money, enjoy what you do, your teenage years are a great time for learning and making mistakes. You will always be learning for the rest of your life but you can always avoid the mistakes you made when you were young after you are grown.