Explain to me why this young man cannot start out with a Lee pot, considering my whole business started out with two Lee pots and 40 POP molds. 20 molds of two different types of jig trailers. I was supplying 4 stores with this setup alone, and it was less than $300 to get started, including plastic, coloring and glitter. I was working a full time job and had two small children, so why couldn't a 15 year old productive young man, not do this and go to school?
Again I'm speaking from experience, especially since I have a 16 year old and a 13 year old son. The 16 year old is taking Honors classes in high school and college classes as well. He worked a part time job for most of the summer and during the school year he helps me in the shop, plus still he has time for his guitar and Xbox. What would be wrong with an enterprising young man spending a Saturday making baits? Your average high school kid is not going to spend all weekend long in his books. And if he enjoys making baits in his spare time, why be against it? And as far as the costs go, between the prices of Iphones, Ipads, Xbox, video games and computers, I don't think that $400-$600 is out of the question.
I think it would be totally his and his parents decision whether the money was foolishly spent or not. You really sound totally against the idea of a young man starting his own business, but yet you say you would bring him into your shop and work him and give him OJT. So why not instead of being so discouraging give him some safety advice, some pointers on actually making baits and some advice to his parents on supervision. I know several people on this forum alone who did their own OJT with good quality advice and encouragment from people who care on TU. To say that you can only start a bait business by investing thousands of dollars is just not a true statement and I myself am living proof of that. Sure the Lee pot days were hard work, but I gained a vast array of knowledge by starting out very small. The same thing I've been encouraging this young man to do the whole time. After all, the most I've said about this business venture is it's between him and his friends and maybe some neighbors. Who knows he could start the next Berkley. Let the young man dream and encourage his dreams to come true.
bluetickhound, that's what I like to hear. Positive comments.