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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Thanks George, Travis, I hear ya, some will remember... Looking back, we were a small group of builders on another site, run by (Erik) one bright guy with a day job who got in over his head & let it fall into disrepair. When the site went offline (for longer than usual) a few of us discussed setting up another forum to keep our group together. I already had a forum setup to support a lure carving machine I'd been working on (Anyone remember the "Duplik8r"??) so we started gathering there to what would later become Tackle Underground. We had no visions of grandeur, no preconceived notions, we were just sick, crazy, obsessed tackle makers who stumbled into craft stores at 8pm coated in sawdust looking for glitter & a wedding veil to cut up. We were packrats, hoarding epoxy, plaster, wheelweights....swiping pyrex cups from our wives, & gladly taking heat for it. Parts were sparse & anything lying around was a potential lure component. We needed each other to validate our insanity & our original home on the web was just gone....like that....poof.... no warning, no explanation. I despised Erik for a long time for doin that to us, but we saved an ember & relit that fire here. I promised myself from the start, no matter what, I'd never run TU that way... how hard could it be right?? You starting to draw a parallel yet? I've said this before, my hobby was making tackle, now my hobby is making sure you enjoy your hobby. TU has had much better days....she needs work & it will take full-time devotion to turn that around. I promised myself I'd never run TU that way & I've now kept that promise. I've become TU's #1 problem and I'm fixing that problem, I'm in her way & its well overdue. I've entertained offers for awhile, from fellow members on up to conglomerates who own 100's of forums with topics from sports cars to Japanese anime' I could've $$ out, no notice & sacrificed all our work in the process. I vetted & chose who I felt would carry on our day-to-day & work to refuel that fire lit over a decade ago. I hear and understand everyone's feelings.... LPO is a company, but one genuinely vested in our success. They know we are independent thinkers...they know we shop all over...there are many symbiotic avenues for TU & LPO that don't involve them forcing product down our throats. Bottom line?..... they hope to earn your business by maintaining this site, serving your best interests & help you refine your craft.... how?? well, as usual, it's up to you: http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?/topic/26911-tu-lpo-what-the-future-holds/ Concerns are understood, A few weeks from now I'll be a normal TU member & I'll reap or forfeit along with you, my friends. Jerry "redg8r"
    3 points
  2. Wow..... I just found this post. It really saddens me to think of Jerry not running the site. However, the guy has taken an ass beating keeping this place up and running as smooth as he has. To be honest I am supprised he has stuck it out this long. I know the time that he has put into it has been exhausting. I have been a Red Gator fan before TU. I know the sacrifices you made back then too. And I still have my Duplik8r plans. So Jerry.... may God bless and keep you and your family. I hope you enjoy your retirement from TU. You have definitely earned it. Just don't go away. Come back and see us. Please. P.S. If you continue to make baits.... don't forget the Devcon. Curt.... Welcome. Thank you for keeping our playground going. Excuse our rudeness. As you can see... there is a lot of love for Jerry here. I wish you all the best with the site. If Jerry picked you out then I know that you are the best man for the job. Let me know if I can help. As for the rest of you guys out there, don't forget, many people made TU what it is today. Jerry gave us a place to discuss ideas and learn from each other. It was the information that was put on the site originally that brought people here. I think when I joined TU there were 32 of us. They had to coax me over from the old site. I have never looked back. I encourage everyone to contribute to the helpful information that has made it the wonderful site that it is today. It is the best site on the web for bait making information that there is. So lets roll up our sleeves and get back to slinging sawdust. God Bless, Skeeter
    2 points
  3. Jerry - I would personally like to thank you for the time, effort, and energy you have invested in TU. I'm sure it hasn't always been an easy journey for you but I'm also sure that there are literally hundreds that feel as I do - truly grateful that you made this site into what it is - an avenue to make available the sharing of knowledge, thoughts, suggestions, and ideas. In my opinion you have done a helluva job with this website over the years. Curt - Welcome to TU. Nice to meet another fellow New Englander on the board. I can understand the anxieties of some about the website. I thought Ben's analogy about the boots and shotgun was very fitting. I actually had to check my own profile to see when I registered with TU - 2005. Wow... It's been fun for the last eight years and I look forward to the next eight. Rick H. SE CT (Southeastern Connecticut)
    1 point
  4. 99% of what we worry about never happens!
    1 point
  5. You know I'm kinda disappointed in a few of the comments made bashing LPO. This transition just happened days ago. Sounds like Curt is trying to reassure everyone that everything will be fine. I expect some some changes, I for one am an open minded person and believe in giving change a chance, I'm not a big fan of change but I will adjust to it. Like I said a few days ago, I know Jerry personally and trust me this was not an easy decision for him to make. TU has been his life for many years and he isn't going to turn it over to just anyone. I trust Jerry's decision in turning it over to LPO and I know it's in good hands. I look forward to see what LPO has for us TU members in the future. George.
    1 point
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