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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2013 in all areas

  1. Can you use an electric griddle to keep re-heats down by placing your Pyrex cup on top after you already finished using the microwave? [i do sometimes but I'd rather mix smaller batches and have few reheats.] I use m-f plastic and was wondering how long do you guys usually leave it in the microwave? After a couple of re-heats my colors get darker so I want to stop that. I usually heat it then stop and then stir in 30sec intervals. I normally do 15-30 second bursts but I return it to the micro as soon as my molds are full. I don't let it set around on the workbench and start cooling. I always add heat stabilizer when I reheat. I have found that white and chartreuse are the ones that change colors fast.
    1 point
  2. Well who ever invented the hook needs to speak up and call all of us out! Cause without hooks none of would catch a darn thing.....Im just saying..
    1 point
  3. I'd love to see a video of using the clear/glitter coat in a fluid bed, I've tried that several times with different air pressures and what happens is the clear gets suspended and the glitter ends up on the bottom so you end up with a big wad of glitter on the top of the head without a spec of it anywhere else. Please show me how you do this, this would make things a lot easier. Right now my both fluid beds run on aquarium pumps but I did hook them up to the compressor to give it more lift and all I got was a cloud of powder over top of the cup, that is why I want to see how you do this as I'm missing something.
    1 point
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