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  1. I must be the odd ball of the group ! I fish a lot of wood, like dead falls and beaver feed beds on the river. I use the stiffest one they sell.(BARLOW'S ..451052) Then if I want to lighten it up I take a finger nail clippers and nipp off a few strands until I get the right feel of tention to the weed guard. Lenght and number of strands very important to do this. The one test that you should use to find a good wood fishing jig is this. You don't want that jig to fall on its side when it comes up against a branch. Take a pencil our just your finger and then grab your line that has a jig tied to it and pull it over the pencil and see if it turns so the hook goes away from the pencil our your finget. In real clean water you can try this while fishing by just watching your jig in action. I WOULDN'T have our use a jig that doesn't do this. Good luck... STEVE
    1 point
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