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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Ben - The way Indonesian bathrooms work is quite different to western bathrooms. Although in my new abode I have a western toilet, the normal is the hole in the ground type. The room is designed to be wet, with water splashed around, and to this end, there is a large water container next to the toilet. In my house, this holds about ten gallons and about 2' square, perfect for a float test. Dave
    1 point
  2. Glad to hear your eyes are doing better Joe. They're not something to fool around with. One of my greatest worries was getting a sliver of steel in an eye at work. If it's not removed promptly your eye can heal around it overnight and start feeling better the next day. The steel will start to rust over time and leave a rust ring that slowly gets bigger. Last I heard these rust rings couldn't be removed and can impair your vision if it spreads over the pupil. Guess what I'm trying to say folks is to be really careful with your eyes. They're not something to be taken lightly. just my Ben
    1 point
  3. Sweet looking!
    1 point
  4. Just wanted to Let everyone new to the lure pouring and some who may want the info,I have a Soft Plastic Lure Biz and am doing a Large volume of orders daily,i see all the request for info on the pots and injection systems but just wanted anyone who wants to know that I have 4 microwave ovens and sometimes have them going all at once and I think I can outpour your small pots and injection machines when it comes to different colors and floating and sinking plastic,maybe even one color,just want a lot of the newbies to know that mics are still a great way to heat plastic and you have the option to heat so many different colors in a short period of time,my store carries over 900 different color/flake combinations so the pots and injection systems will slow you down,not knocking any of your machines,just wanted to share my info
    1 point
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