This crazy law suit society has even had an affect on TU. There are many jig and tool discussions, a major one being home made duplicator machines for carving complex curvature hard bait bodies. Because dup machines involve high speed cutting tools, and complex structure to make them work, they are considered dangerous if construction was attempted by an inexperience builder. For this reason, no one has dared to publish designs or instructions on how to safely build one of those machines, despite a lot of interest.
The irony is, that there are enough pics and videos out there on the web to enable anyone with the determination to have a stab at a duplicator build themselves.
Inexperienced in design and without a basic understanding of what is required from a safety point of view, or even inexperience with the tools required to build such a project without guidance, places such people in great danger, even grave risk.
The use of high speed machinery can go south in a split second, but with the right design, advice, instruction and guidance, such machines can be perfectly safe. But, who in this world of law suit mentality, is going to publish such design guidance and instructions at the risk of being legally liable - not I for sure. I may want to visit the USA one day.