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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2020 in all areas

  1. This is my personal, highly unscientific opinion, but, having fished both a lot, I find that the blades with bubble holes (we call them "turbo" blades) have a sharper, tighter hunt pattern than the non-bubble hole blades. I prefer the wider, slower hunt of the standard blades, but we sell lots of both.
    1 point
  2. Youre not selling them for enough profit and/or its taking you too long to make them and/or your not buying product in a large enough quantity to get a good discount. As far as marketing you need to spend $ to spread the word and you need friends to tell friends about your baits. Its a chain that can continue but there are a lot of guys here doing it and it takes $ to make $. Some guys have a few hundred molds and injection machines and buy everything in bulk. Upfront cost is brutal but long term you will do ok if you work it right. Youre not going to get rich I can promise you. Competitive market though especially if you're selling the same baits as others and everyones trying to cut eachothers throats. Just enjoy doing it unless you want to spend any free time you have making baits and thousands of dollars for all the molds plastic and equipment. Just my 2 cents.
    1 point
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