This stuff is no worse than KBS odorwise IMO, I wear a respirator for both, I do spray outside. I was aways hesitant as well, but more from a clean-up standpoint, having to use lacquer thinner to clean everything up.. Easier to work with, with the exception of dipping, shelf stable, mix 2:1 , mix only as much as you need, spray lite tack coat and then spray several heavier coats, 10 min between coats. No rotating needed and it's cheaper than KBS in the long run and you don't have to worry about it "Going off", no Bloxygen needed. Now it does cost more up front than a quart of KBS, but long term it's cheaper. I got approx 1 3/4 gal for $150, but I can use evey bit of it with no waste. I wish I hadn't wasted so much time with KBS. It's nowhere close to being as durable as D2T tho...hope this helps... I paint larger resin swimbaits BTW