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2 points
Forgive what may be a dumb question, but, if you can smell the scent, aren't some kind of particles being disbursed into the air? Wouldn't that be true for the water, too?1 point
1 point
1 point
I'm with JD_mudbug on this one. I just use maps or blue fox etc as a pattern. You can either purchase one or just go to the store and take pictures of them. At least I have found this is a good place to start. I make a lot of my own colors and designs and everything, but if you want one that's guaranteed to work right right off the bat, just buy the same components as the commercial spinners and build them the same way.1 point
I ordered 3 lures on Ebay that were supposed to be wood, so I thought nothing of soaking in acetone overnight guess what yep, they were plastic two down one to go. You never know for sure what you get so just scratch it a little to make sure it is wood. At my age I am still learning. Wayne1 point
Thanks again for your tips! I went out today with one of my jigs and caught 3 largemouth. Biggest was 19". Yesterday I fished a spinnerbait I had redressed, and caught 2, biggest was 18". I'll post a couple pictures in the gallery.1 point
It might be hard to find specific designs because there are many variables: blade type and size, wire size, size/weight/number of beads and bodies, hook type/size/dressing, etc. I base mine off the main brand types like Mepps, Blue Fox and Panther Martin. I vary the design to add more or less weight and/or up or downsize the blade to achieve different running depths. The following posts should help. There are lots of pics in the Gallery too. https://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/38302-spinner-body-weight/ https://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/38287-spinner-vibration/ https://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/38131-mepps-spinners/1 point
Once again, I have to say it would be so cool if we could just ask the fish.1 point
Why not just use powder paint? The rocky Upper Potomac River is where my jigs get sacrificed and I can say without a doubt powder paint is the best option. Now I do airbrush swim jigs and spinnerbaits to look pretty but jigheads are brown, black, or green pumkin. Allen1 point
1 point
And by the way, thank you for those jig tying videos! That's how I learned to tie the jigs I'm making now!1 point
Thanks Canuck 2. Only the single 7/0 treble under the skirt, but have a split ring between the beads to add a smaller treble when fishing. However 90% of the hookups I’ve had are on the tail hook, and when they are on the middle hook it kinks the wire pretty good. There is a 3/4oz egg sinker under the skirt and above the hook and heatshrink. I need to play with the weight, but always have my tools on the boat for bait repair and modifications if needed. Can’t wait for open water… I use a 2” coil to tie on. Picked up a Stinson vise that I have really enjoyed using, makes it pretty easy to tie. As mentioned, coil goes above the egg sinker on the wire and I leave a little extra coil so that is what is in contact with the sinker. The head is a 2 part 5 min epoxy (JB Weld) and I have a couple different colours of Mica Powder. I know exactly what you mean about baits that show a little wear/loss. Have had the same experience. Even with a new bait, I also give the shaft a little bend or curve. It throws the bait a little out of line and makes the blades work harder this creates more vibration. First photo is after fish No 8. Second photo is fish No. 9… she did a number on it and had to be retired. Just means I need to make more! Thanks for the tips, will definitely consider using some of the lesser quality feathers. Dan1 point
Thanks apdriver! I will let you know this year how many. I spent a much longer time tying this one than the feable attempts I made last year… I managed 3 fish last year before feathers started pulling out. This year I made sure they were in solid. Each ‘wrap’ is 8 feathers. Each feather I use the 360 technique (Geek Baits tutorial) and after each wrap a good tight thread covering and super glue. Hoping they stay put this year! Mind you, even my flash bucktails look rough after a few fish. I caught 9 fish on one flash double 9 before it needed to be retired… Dan1 point
I may be able to help with some stuff here. The 1/8oz Arky jig mold is hard to find and I use it a lot!! It calls for a 4/0 EC 570 hook but I like using smaller hooks. I typically use a 1/0 or 2/0 5313 in that mold but I have made some with the 1/0 Gamakatsu 4124 big river hook. https://barlowstackle.com/gamakatsu-4124-big-river-hooks-sizes-2-4-0/?afmc=cj . You got an answer for the poison tail, the FG-12 weed guard is 5/64" in diameter. I get PTFE wire (Teflon) in 0.78" diameter and cut it into pins and it works great. PTFE Wire | Contenti . If you go to my YouTube channel you'll see that I have a number of videos making micro jigs using a variety of different heads, it may help give ideas on molds to get. (12) Smalljaw - YouTube1 point
I have been using the Snootie jig for over 12 years, and I love the fact that it goes through cover effortlessly and doesn't pick up weeds. Really good jig.1 point
You cannot. They're made with a different substance which does not melt with heat. All you'll get is burned rubber/plastic.1 point
Agreed - senkos are the worst for that!! With that being said - I have a box I toss all my used baits in throughout the year and at the beginning of the season remelt to use again. I would say though - adding a little heat stabilizer and new plastic does seem to help. I've noticed if you just continually remelt baits at some point the plastisol thickens - still usable - but isn't that milky/flowing consistency. I find I don't have that issue if I add new plastic to the batch.... I'm sure some of the formula burns off each time (heat stabilizer, etc) and a little fresh plastic helps balance that out. J.1 point
Hi Guys, Just an update for anyone who may be interested. I found that the Shor marabou that I can get in Canada (Sail or Latulippe) fairly cheap isn’t the greatest quality. Consistently, about 1/3 of the bag is unusable, and end up throwing a lot away. I placed my last order with flymart for the Wapsi blood quill marabou and have been pretty impressed. Great colours, very little waste, really good quality and consistency in length. It’s more expensive, but with everything, you get what you pay for I guess. Since Jan, I’ve managed to make a few baits, and each time getting better and learning new techniques. The last one I’m pretty happy with, just wanted to share. Cheers, Dan1 point
Hey guys, here's my first jig. I used wire this time because I forgot to bring thread with me. Not sure about the wire, it's coated steel and seems kind of brittle. I used 24 gage. Either way, I think it looks alright. I had to think it over a few times to not put the colors upside down. Gotta remember a jig's not a crankbait.1 point