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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2022 in all areas

  1. I read on another forum a post someone made about making their own scents using a blender and from the title thought that's where this was going . Instead of cricket scent this guy was experimenting with "Frog Scent " to get bass to hold onto his topwater hollow body frogs longer . Apparently the frog puree he created did not actually work for it's intended purpose . He said not only did he feel bad about the frogs he ground up alive but he also had to buy his wife a new blender after she asked why the blender was out in the garage .
    2 points
  2. Hi Marc- You would think it would,,, as its that collapsible AC ducting 4". As with PVC tube, some say yes, others say it's all B/S- I suppose to be on the safe side it wouldn't take much to do, never been zapped yet, but if it exploded it would be a drama. You probably remember I built this one years back and have added 2 more tubes since, which works much better-- Its a "downdraught" set up, air is drawn down then up through the 4 tubes to the "Fan Box" and then expelled outside, through the shed wall.
    1 point
  3. That's a clever idea! I'm not sure of an answer for you, but at the outset it seems doable. I wonder if they have a customer service department that could provide a solid answer.
    1 point
  4. Just my opinion but when I turned this hobby into a business it wasn't much fun. So I stopped and now I give them away or use them myself. Now I'll come home from a 10 hour shift and make lures all evening with a smile on my face. In addition to the great advice given here, I recommend doing up a business plan and presenting it to someone that has a wide range of business knowledge/experience. Most cities/towns should have an entrepreneur center or some other resource you can tap into.
    1 point
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