Never heard back from Jerry with a thumbs up or down on this, so let's just jump in and hope we don't cause too much trouble.
1) "Norman/Thundershad Rootbeer (yellow/green)"
-prep bait and spray white basecoat
-Belly color...Createx Flo Sunburst (lightly sprayed and with extender and water added for transparency)
-Sides...Mix Golden Acrylic Titan Buff, C-tex Tinting White, and Golden airbrush medium to produce a very light (in terms of "yellow-ness") opaque bone color...shoot sides and blend with the belly as needed
-Back color Rootbeer (yellow/green type)...Mix C-tex Leaf Green 10:C-tex Lt Brown 2: C-tex Golden Yellow 2 (10:2:2)...thin and extend with water and C-tex airbrush medium
-Splatter color...whether shot at low PSI & high viscosity or done with Hughesy's toothbrush method...C-tex Dark Brown, possibly with a little Tinting Black to darken the color.
-Clearcoat and add green or red flake (fine or ultra fine) at this point.
-Eyes...C-tex Red, Opaque Red, Scarlet, or mixes of similar
2) Some other mix ratios:
-Green Pumpkin...C-tex Leaf Green 3: Lt Brown 1
-Flo Red Craw...C-tex Flo Red 3: Opaque Red 1
-Pearltreuse...C-tex Flo Chart (yellow by name?) 4: Pearl White 1 + water and extender or medium...a neat color to shoot lightly over a pearl or hi-lite body.
-Pearl Green Craw (38 Craw)...C-tex Pthalo Green 2: Pearl Copper 3: Pearl White 1: Leaf Green 3...may have to adjust slightly if using Auto Air pearlescents...
*** If this is useful or interesting to you please add your own recipes as time allows.