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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2023 in all areas

  1. For resin I use Alumilite white and micro balloons I don’t use any mathematical formulas but instead I develop recipes for each individual design. I use layers that very from pure resin for a ballast to highly buoyant mix of resin/micro balloons. A lot of my baits have zero lead just layers with different resin mixes. At limes I use bird shot to add extra weight and most of the time the lure or mold is designed so I can just pour it into the mold so it settles into position I figured out my method of doing things through trying different things, failing and adjusting. I create a master and mold test a few recipes till I am happy with the action. From experience I now just know what needs to be done and it doesn’t take much to get my recipes correct I keep a note book with the recipes for every design I have made and it makes a huge difference to be able to look back when creating something new You can achieve different things with resin/micro balloons when you stop trying to duplicate wood and just create different resin mixes to find the ideal buoyancy or sink rate I have never and will never pour hot lead into a bait because there is better options. I don’t even own a lead pot because I don’t need it. With lead bird shot and coils of lead that are available it’s just easier/faster to use these vs hot lead. You also have no concerns of burning yourself or the blank. You can also be more precise with your weight Been using bird shot or coiled lead for over 20years with both wood and resin baits when needed. There is no need to pour hot lead into a bait There is my two cents and information on my methods. Think outside the box, fail, adjust and try things it pays off Now if only the spam disappeared from this forum I might hang around more again
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